Continue reading Target specific part of the post

Target specific part of the post

Relevanssi Premium 2.4.4 introduced a new feature where you can target specific parts of the post straight from the search terms. The format for this is {target:search_term} Target can be one of the following: title: Post title. content: Post content. author: Author display name. comment: Comment text. link: Link from another post. excerpt: Post excerpt.…

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Continue reading Natural-language date queries

Natural-language date queries

I just wanted to be able to type in a date on the search and for the search to come up with all the blog posts for that date. This is one of those tasks that sounds really simple, but is actually complicated. However, this question piqued my interest and turns out it isn’t that…

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Continue reading Indexing image captions for the posts

Indexing image captions for the posts

The use case is I run several newspapers, and the “caption” field when uploading media is where the journalists put the photographer credit. We need to be able to index the photographer bylines, but ideally would want to return the story/commentary where their image was used, not the image itself. If you want to index…

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Continue reading Searching Bible verses

Searching Bible verses

A surprisingly common problem with Relevanssi is Bible verses. All that meaningful punctuation and single digits make exact matching of Bible verses really difficult for Relevanssi, and when searching for Bible verses, exact results are what matters – hitting something similar is generally not very helpful. There’s an easy solution, though: use phrases. Wrapping the verse…

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Continue reading Events Calendar: Remove past events from search

Events Calendar: Remove past events from search

If you have events on your site, you might not want to show the past events in the search. This is easy to do with Relevanssi. It can be done in two ways: either you block the past events in indexing or in searching. In most cases, the best solution is to do both. Blocking…

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Continue reading Indexing embedded PDFs for the parent post

Indexing embedded PDFs for the parent post

Relevanssi can automatically index PDF content for the parent post if the PDF (or other attachment) is attached to the parent post in WordPress. However, that’s not always the case. Sometimes the PDF is attached to the page using an embed, which doesn’t create a connection between the posts in WordPress. Thus, Relevanssi won’t know…

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Continue reading Chamber Dashboard Business Directory

Chamber Dashboard Business Directory

The Chamber Dashboard Business Directory plugin has a business directory search that’s not compatible with Relevanssi. To disable Relevanssi in those searches, add this to your theme functions.php: This will make the business directory search work again. However, I would recommend just using Relevanssi to search the business directory as well – that’s possible, and…

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