Continue reading Visual Composer: Indexing Raw HTML elements

Visual Composer: Indexing Raw HTML elements

Visual Composer and WP Bakery have a Raw HTML element that can be used to add HTML code to your pages. By default, this content is stored in an encoded format Relevanssi can’t read. Fortunately, the encoding is simple Base64 encoding that is easy to read. So, in order to read the contents of the…

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Support for ^ and $ anchoring operators

In regular expressions, ^ can be used to match the beginning of the line and $ to match the end of the line. For example, ^ban will match banana, but not urban, while ban$ matches urban, but not banana. These are called anchoring operators. By default, Relevanssi matches either beginning or the end of the…

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Continue reading FacetWP


Relevanssi is generally well compatible with FacetWP, which provides advanced filtering and faceting capabilities for the search. There are, however, some situations where Relevanssi and FacetWP do not work well. Make sure you are using the Relevanssi integration plugin for FacetWP. It covers most of the problems. Disabling the FacetWP integration In some cases, however,…

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Continue reading Modifying the search form on the fly

Modifying the search form on the fly

I set up a short coded search box to search my Learndash e-course for one specific category only: [ searchform ld_topic_category=”156″ ] It works perfectly except one thing: if no results show, it takes you to the default WordPress page and presents you with the standard search box that no longer searches category 156. This…

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Spam search blocking

Spam searches are a common feature on WordPress sites. Spam bots make lots of useless queries. They hope sites display the search queries somewhere, providing links to spam sites. This is unpleasant, clogs up the search logs and wastes resources. Relevanssi Premium introduced a new spam blocking feature in version 2.15.0. You can use this…

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Continue reading Why is a post type excluded from search?

Why is a post type excluded from search?

In the list of post types to index in the Relevanssi indexing settings tab there’s a column “Excluded from search”, which has a value of “yes” or “no” for each post type. What does this mean, and why does the value remain “yes” even if you set Relevanssi to index that post type? This column…

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