Continue reading Gutenberg Full Site Editing

Gutenberg Full Site Editing

There’s a compatibility issue between Relevanssi and Gutenberg Full Site Editing. No results are found when you create a Query Loop to display the search results with Relevanssi enabled. The blank results happen because the post template block doesn’t use the Relevanssi results but instead uses a new WP_Query. Since Relevanssi still blocks the default…

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Continue reading Oxygen and Ninja Tables

Oxygen and Ninja Tables

Relevanssi has support both for Oxygen and Ninja Tables, but the way the Ninja Tables support is done, it’s not working when used with Oxygen. The Ninja Tables support in Relevanssi is looking for the Ninja Tables shortcodes in the post content, but Oxygen keeps everything in custom fields. Fortunately, the fix is simple: you…

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Continue reading ThemeCo


ThemeCo themes use custom codes for dynamic content. Those are not usual shortcodes, and Relevanssi won’t expand them automatically. In order to expand the dynamic content from ThemeCo themes, you need to use these filters: The critical part is running these filters on an early enough priority for relevanssi_post_content: Relevanssi page builder shortcode cleanup runs…

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Continue reading Elementor


Elementor is a popular page builder. It works rather well with Relevanssi. Highlight in documents breaks entrance animations In some cases enabling Relevanssi in-document highlighting breaks pictures with entrance animations. You can add this function to your site to fix the problem. Conditional and Inline CSS Load Experiment Elementor has this new experimental feature. For…

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