
FeatureWordPress searchRelevanssi FreeRelevanssi Premium
Easy to installXXX
The index is updated automaticallyXXX
Newest posts firstXXX
Best results firstXXX
Search posts and pagesXXX
Search comments and comment authorsXX
Search post categories, tags and custom taxonomiesXX
Search custom fieldsXX
Search shortcode contentXX
Search post excerptsXX
Include user profiles in search resultsX
Index PDF contentX
Indexing DOC, ODT, RTF, ePub… contentX
Include taxonomy terms in search resultsX
Search arbitrary MySQL columns in wp_postsX
Show “Did you mean” suggestionsxX
Search results show and highlight the matchesXX
Posts highlight the search term matchesXX
Exclude posts, pages, tags or categories from searchXX
Use fuzzy matching to make getting hits easierXX
Choose between AND and OR operator in searchXX
Change the operator on the fly if necessaryX
Use the NOT operator to exclude search termsX
Adjust the weight of post content, titles and commentsXX
Adjust weights by post typeX
Adjust weights by taxonomyX
Adjust weights by post dateX
Adjust weights manually with a filter hookXX
Log user queriesXX
Use stop words to make the search betterXX
Expand queries with synonymsXX
WPML and Polylang integrationXX
WordPress Multisite support *X
Throttling to make searches perform better on big databasesXX
Export/import settingsX
WP CLI supportX
Guaranteed supportX
Have sticky posts in searches based on the search termX
English stemmingX
Redirect search resultsX
Related PostsX

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Multisite support

Relevanssi can be installed as a network plugin, making it available to all sites in the network.

With Relevanssi Premium, it is possible to search multiple sites in the network. There are some limitations to multisite searching: not all the search filtering methods that can be used in single-site searches are available for multisite searches, and in large networks, there may be performance issues.

Note that Relevanssi Premium cannot search across multiple sites that are not the in the same multisite network.

Multisite searches do not work in the free version of Relevanssi.

WooCommerce support

Relevanssi works well with WooCommerce and can search SKUs and all other product data and handle product variations in different ways according to your needs. Read our WooCommerce manual and see all WooCommerce-related articles in our Knowledge Base.

bbPress support

Relevanssi works with bbPress to some extent. Relevanssi can index the bbPress custom post types. Note that bbPress post types are by default set to be excluded from the search, so you need to uncheck the “Respect exclude_from_search” option. Also, read this KB entry on Relevanssi and bbPress for useful tips.

Based on my earlier experience there have been some problems with Relevanssi and bbPress with some themes, but later tests seem to show the combo works better. So, no guarantees here, but it looks like Relevanssi does work with bbPress at the moment.

Features Relevanssi doesn’t have

As great as Relevanssi is, there are some things it doesn’t do. Here’s a quick list of the features people most often ask for but which Relevanssi doesn’t offer.

  • Relevanssi can’t search content that is stored outside the wp_posts database (except for user profiles and taxonomy term pages). If the content is in wp_posts as a custom post type, it can be searched, otherwise it’s not possible.
  • Relevanssi doesn’t do complex Boolean logic. You can choose whether to use AND or OR operator for the whole query and there are NOT and AND operators for search terms, but Relevanssi doesn’t support complex faceted queries like (cats OR tigers OR lions) AND (pumas OR cougars) NOT dogs.
  • To get live ajax search capabilities, use Relevanssi Live Ajax Search.
  • These plugins are known to be incompatible with Relevanssi.