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BeTheme does the strangest, weirdest, and least productive things with search I’ve ever seen in a professional theme.

It can automatically clear out your search term, which of course leads to Relevanssi searches failing. I have no idea what that is trying to achieve, but it makes searching very frustrating.

Fortunately, the fix is simple. The function that destroys the search is made to be overwritten, so just do that. Add the following code to your site or in a custom plugin, and everything will be fine again:

function mfn_search() {

7 comments BeTheme

  1. Hey,

    this did not work for me. when trying to active my custom plugin I get this error:
    Fatal error: Cannot redeclare mfn_search() (previously declared in /wpcom-137070079/wp-content/themes/betheme/functions/theme-functions.php:1928) in /wpcom-137070079/wp-content/plugins/RelevansiBetheme/RelevansiBetheme.php on line 12

    any ideas?

    Best regards

    1. Frank, which version of BeTheme? Latest? The versions I’ve seen declare the function conditionally, only if it’s not declared before. If it’s not done like that, the only solution is to remove the mfn_search() function from the /betheme/functions/theme-functions.php.

  2. Hey Mikko,

    thanks for the fast response. Yeah I have the latest Version of BeTheme.

    There is no solution involving a custom Plugin?

    Best regards

    1. No, the only way to make the search work – as far as I can tell – is to disable that function. I don’t have access to the latest version of BeTheme, though, so I can’t tell for sure.

  3. You can do this by following the BeTheme Child instructions and adding your function there, I have done it and it works a treat, thanks for this and your great plugin.

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