CodeMirror Blocks is a good plugin for displaying good-looking code blocks in WordPress (you can see it in action right here on!). There’s a problem with Relevanssi in-document highlighting and the CodeMirror block, though: enabling the highlighting will break all CodeMirror blocks on the page, even if the highlighting happens outside the block.
This problem happens because CodeMirrors stores the block parameters in a settings attribute, and Relevanssi in-document highlighting breaks that attribute. Fortunately, this is easy to fix with a filter function that runs after the Relevanssi in-document highlighting and fixes the broken attribute. Add this to your theme functions.php
add_filter( 'the_content', 'rlv_restore_codemirror_settings', 12 ); function rlv_restore_codemirror_settings( $content ) { $data_settings_found = preg_match_all( '/data-setting="{(.*)}"/', $content, $data_settings ); if ( $data_settings_found ) { foreach ( $data_settings[1] as $data_setting ) { $content = str_replace( $data_setting, htmlentities( $data_setting ), $content ); } } return $content; }