Make Divi include all post types
Divi search form module restricts the search to only posts and pages. To get rid of that restriction, you can add this to your site:
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', function() { unset( $_GET['et_pb_searchform_submit'] ); }, 1 );
Divi and multisite searching
Divi search results templates don’t work in multisite searching. Multisite searching requires changes to the templates, and it’s impossible to make those changes in the Divi Blog module. If you want to do multisite searching with Divi, you need to use a standard WordPress search results template for the results.
Getting Divi to show Relevanssi excerpts
Divi doesn’t use the default excerpts but instead truncates the beginning of the post and shows the first 270 characters. That means Relevanssi-generated excerpts don’t show up at all.
However, you can configure Divi to show Relevanssi excerpts. Just enable the “Use excerpts when defined” setting in Divi settings, and you should see Relevanssi-generated excerpts in the search results pages.
Avoiding indexing menus
If you have menu blocks inside your posts, Relevanssi will index those menu contents as part of every post with the menu. That’s not very helpful. The solution to this problem is adding a filtering function to remove the menus from the posts. The exact content of the filtering function depends on how your site includes the menus in the post, but here’s an example of a function we used to clean out a bunch of menus from one site:
add_filter( 'relevanssi_post_content', 'rlv_remove_menu', 8 ); add_filter( 'relevanssi_pre_excerpt_content', 'rlv_remove_menu', 8 ); function rlv_remove_menu( $content ) { $content = preg_replace( '~\[et_pb_text admin_label="Accounts Menu.*?\[/et_pb_text\]~ims', '', $content ); $content = preg_replace( '~\[et_pb_text admin_label="Footer Menu.*?\[/et_pb_text\]~ims', '', $content ); $content = preg_replace( '~\[et_pb_text admin_label="Footer Address.*?\[/et_pb_text\]~ims', '', $content ); $content = preg_replace( '~\[et_pb_text admin_label="Footer Social.*?\[/et_pb_text\]~ims', '', $content ); $content = preg_replace( '~\[et_pb_text admin_label="Convenience Menu.*?\[/et_pb_text\]~ims', '', $content ); return $content; }
This function will clean all the [et_pb_text]
shortcodes and their contents where the label matches one of the menu labels.
It’s crucial to run these filters on priority 8 or earlier because the Relevanssi code that cleans out Divi shortcodes runs on priority 9 on the same relevanssi_post_content
and relevanssi_pre_excerpt_content
filter hooks.
Indexing Blurbs
The Blurb module has essential information in the shortcode attributes, which Relevanssi, by default, does not index. To include the title
attribute for the Blurbs, add this to your site:
add_filter( 'relevanssi_pre_excerpt_content', 'rlv_shortcode_attribute', 8 ); add_filter( 'relevanssi_post_content', 'rlv_shortcode_attribute', 8 ); function rlv_shortcode_attribute( $content ) { return preg_replace( '/\[et_pb_blurb.*?title="(.*?)".*?\]/im', '\1 ', $content ); }
Dynamic CSS problems
If you have problems with broken search results pages when Dynamic CSS and Relevanssi custom excerpts are enabled, one fix is to disable Dynamic CSS for search results pages with this snippet:
add_filter( 'et_use_dynamic_css', function() { if ( is_search() ) { return false; } } );
This is great – could you please explain where this code is to be placed??
Theme functions.php is a good place.
Oops, I didn’t see the last curly bracket so I got my site unreachable until I got it 😀
Newbie question…. Where should this code be put on Divi ?
Theme functions.php.
I am using the7 theme and get the same results. I added the code to my functions.php and reindexed. I still get the ugly descriptions, ideas?
Is the7 using the [et_pb] shortcodes, or something with a different name?
It’s the visual composer layout short codes.
And you renamed et_pb in that code to vc, and it still doesn’t work?
Oh! Duh! I will try that
That was the issue, thank you!
An if there is more than one code to strip? is the same code?
Also when some sharing plugins add text in the top of the post how can we strip that to? I am using Massahre and it displays the share count in the excerpt
Depends on how and where in the process the plugin adds the text. If it happens after Relevanssi is done, then it’s impossible to block from Relevanssi, if it happens before then it’s simple, just use relevanssi_excerpt_content filter to weed it out.
And yes, you can add multiple preg_replace() lines to clean out multiple tags.
Thanks I found the problem there was a setting related to categories now is working fine.
The problem of this solution is that all excerpts related to divi (such as title or text) will be ignore in the search results. Is there better solution for this problem? like, interpreting all of divi codes before considering theme as excerpt?
This solution doesn’t actually affect the search results, only the excerpts.
Relevanssi expands all the shortcodes when preparing the content for excerpts, but the Divi shortcodes do not work properly and cannot be expanded at that point.
Thanks a lot for your quick reply. I know the results will remain the same, but the excerpt that will be show with the results may not be related to the search keyboard(s). For example if I search a title of divi text the excerpt will be unrelated to that because we ignore theme. All in all is there any better solution to keep the context of divi modules in the excerpts?
No, not that I know of. My recommendation is to steer clear of these visual composer themes, all I see from them is trouble anyway.
Mikko, I tried this (using visual composer). I used the replacement vc as you suggested and this did not work. Furthermore, search results are also showing wordpress short codes (e.x. [caption]) and theme shortodes
Are you sure those search results are generated by Relevanssi?
I assume so, I had Relevanssi installed & activated. Also, ensured the settings were set to not include shortcodes.
Relevanssi expands all shortcodes before building the excerpt, except the ones it cannot (for example the page builder shortcodes). Theme shortcodes need to be removed with the filter, as explained in the posts. WordPress shortcodes, like [caption], should be removed automatically.
You’ve enabled the custom excerpts in Relevanssi settings? Adjusting Relevanssi excerpt settings changes the excerpts, for example if you adjust the length of the excerpt in the settings, it changes on the results page?
Wow, no shortcodes were removed when i used your patch.
Yes, custom excerpts were enabled, yes it changed on the results page.
Have you checked that the filter code is running in the first place?
No, i do not know how to do that.
On the first line inside the function, write:
echo “running filter”; exit();
and then do a search. If the filter is running, you should see the text “running filter” and nothing else.
Thank you. The filter code is not running.
Could this be caused by caching?
Maybe. That, or a typo in the code somewhere. Is the filter code in theme functions.php so that it gets noticed by WordPress? Somehow WP and Relevanssi are just not seeing the code.
It is in the functions.php
I fixed it. Now it says running filter only on a white screen.
Ok, now remove the code you added and enjoy excerpts without Visual Composer codes, hopefully.
No such luck.
My code:
add_filter(‘relevanssi_pre_excerpt_content’, ‘rlv_trim_divi_shortcodes’);
function rlv_trim_divi_shortcodes($content) {
$content = preg_replace(‘/[/?vc.*?]/’, ”, $content);
return $content;
http://poochcoach.com/?s=trainer is an example. Very first item in list has shortcode before all else.
This one is a great example: http://poochcoach.com/?s=caption
This example is full of vc shortcodes http://poochcoach.com/?s=DOGTV
Yeah, looks like so. If the code doesn’t help, I can’t help you much more, at least without a closer look at your site – and that’s something I can’t do here for free.
If i buy a Pro License, will you? What do i need to do to get you to look closer?
Sure, this is something that comes with the support license.
Hello Mikko,
I am using theKen theme from artbees which is using visual composer. As far as I read so far this might mean trouble. I seem to have similar problems like the rest. Codes like “[/vc_column_inner]
[/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/mk_page_section]” showing up in the search results. I did enter the code you posted into the functions.php of my childtheme like below
function rlv_trim_divi_shortcodes($content) {
$content = preg_replace(‘/[/?vc.*?]/’, ”, $content);
return $content;
I could confirm the filter is running using echo “running filter”; exit(); and then removing it again.
The text sniplets for searching a search term like “toleranzen” never the less looks like:
…text_transform=“uppercase“ font_family=“none“]Toleranzen bei Stab und Coil[/mk_fancy_title]
I did check the boxes on “new user defined search sniplet” and “execute shortcodes in results” in the relevanssi settings.
Is there anything else I could try to solve this issue?
You have vc_ shortcodes, but also mk_ shortcodes. So, add this line to the function:
$content = preg_replace(‘/[/?mk.*?]/’, ”, $content);
That should clean it up a bit.
This is ist! Works great now! Thanks a lot, amazing! One last question though, before when doing a search and clicking on one of the results of the results page I am redirected to the site of the result and all search terms on that site are highlighted. In addition to that I had little stripe marks on the page scroll bar on the right side of the screen indicating the position where the searchterms are positioned on the page. These handy stripemarks are gone now. Is this a sideffect of the code I implemented or is there another setting I can change to get them back?
also there are still some search results that show MK_ codes like “[mk_step font_size=“25″… ” but much less.
The code should clean all of those, so hard to say what’s up with that.
Relevanssi has nothing to do with the stripe marks. It hasn’t created them, and I can’t see how it could have removed them. So no idea about them.
True, i found out its a handy feature of google chrome.
Thank you for your support and plugin.
Hello Mikko,
I am using Jupiter Theme from Artbees, and visual Composer.
What should I write instead of Divi?
On funcitons.php I added
“function rlv_trim_divi_shortcodes($content) {
$content = preg_replace(‘/[/?[vc.*?]/’, ”, $content);
return $content;
$content = preg_replace(‘/[/[mk.*?]/’, ”, $content);
return $content;
What kind of shortcodes are you seeing? If you’re seeing [vc_] and [mk_] shortcodes, then that is correct, except you need to remove the first “return $content;”.
Where does this code go for Divi sites?
Theme function.php.
Thanks. What might I be doing wrong. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/85780dd243ca50b1843dbf7415f101cea132f696dc27173ce516f4e00a6a5c9c.png https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d4ff30c51d7eab044f11a1c55886a27921fe63bb6b0e8ffad50b2a4b4a3a2bd3.png
Are those excerpts generated by Relevanssi in the first place? If they are, that code should fix it, but if they’re not, then it doesn’t work.
If you change the excerpt length settings from Relevanssi settings page, do the excerpts change?
Okay, first of all. Newbie-ish person here. I glanced through the manual, but did not find anything on what an excerpt actually was. I thought it was a query result. This mostly sounds above my head. ha!
It has the same meaning as in regular English, ie. a snippet of text. That is, the part of the post that is shown on the search results page. See the excerpt settings in Relevanssi settings page. If you change the excerpt length in the settings, do the search results pages change?
nope. does not look like this is working for me. I changed it to 10 words and still get this whole long thing like the wordpress search.
Ok, that’s why the Relevanssi filter is not working: you’re not seeing Relevanssi-generated excerpts. If you have enabled custom excerpts in Relevanssi settings, the next step is to adjust your theme. That may be easy – there may be a setting in your theme settings that lets you adjust what is shown on the search results pages, ie. do you see whole posts or just excerpts – or difficult, as in requiring changes to your theme templates.
okay. I’m not finding anything in the Divi settings but to set number of search responses. And I DO have custom snippets checked. What do I have to change to make Relevanssi the default search tool? I’m using a widget
As far as I can tell, Relevanssi and Divi should work fine. Is Relevanssi powering the search in the first place? If you disable Relevanssi, do the results change?
nope. not running at all. Results are the same old wordpress search stuff.
You may want to try disabling other plugins to see if there’s a conflict with Relevanssi; or try switching temporarily to one of the default themes to see if the problem is with the theme, though Divi should work with Relevanssi.
Hello! It totally worked for my excerpts! Thank you very much!
Another problem I am getting since I installed relevansii, is that the “no result” page from the search has the text all separated in three rows, like in the print screen. All the other pages where I get a “no result” (category pages with no posts for example), are looking normal.
Like in the second print screen.
Any idea why?
You have this in your CSS file, forcing the content to three columns:
.search #left-area, .archive #left-area {
-moz-column-count: 3;
/* column-count: 3; */
-moz-column-gap: 60px;
/* column-gap: 60px; */
Wow! Thank you! I had even put it myself! 😛 sorry for the question
I use the last version of DIVI theme of elegantthemes.com.
I tried to use your plugin but seems not works fine.
I saw that when I use the standard search field the url appear:
http://www.domain.com/?s=personale and the search works fine!
but If I use the search module of ET the url appear:
and the result is blank!
I have created a functions.php file in /child theme folder but nothing.
Anyone can help me ?
Can you use a different search form that would not add the unnecessary parameters? Perhaps the default WordPress search widget? Or you can create a pre_get_posts filter function that strips the unnecessary parameters off.
thanks!, but in DIVI builder, I can only use search ET module … I don’t know how to filer the parameters
Perhaps you can hire someone who’s experienced in Divi or ask Divi support to help you?
yes, I do it.
but often for external plugins, not help much
I used this method and it works.. but i also use [stm_post_info] in my post its theme component.
Can you guide me how i can exactly prevent it from displaying in search too. Thanks
Nevermind one of your research below helped me understand the logic. It was fixed with this simple tweak addition:
$content = preg_replace(‘/[/?stm.*?]/’, ”, $content);
In VC there’s also the [vc_raw_html] shortcode which usualy includes a raw huge line of random characters. These characters are not stripped out with the code provided here, but I’ve modified it a bit so it does. please feel free to use:
/** strip out all shortcodes + content inbetween `vc_raw_html` tags from search result excerpt **/
add_filter(‘relevanssi_pre_excerpt_content’, ‘rlv_shortcode_blaster’);
function rlv_shortcode_blaster($content) {
$content = preg_replace(‘/[(vc_raw_html).*?].*?[/1] ?/’, ”, $content);
$content = preg_replace(‘/[.*?]/s’, ”, $content);
return $content;
Hi, all
I developed a plugin to Easily Remove Unused, Broken Shortcodes from any theme (Divi, Avada, ..etc) or a plugin.
Video demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXVZ5bSUduc
The plugin site: https://plugins.jozoor.com/shortcode-cleaner/
The plugin named ( Shortcode Cleaner )
which it removes unused, broken shortcodes from WordPress, so you can switch between themes and plugins without worrying and keep your content cleanly and fresh all the time, it is dealing with any theme (Divi, Avada, ..etc) shortcodes that are left when changing themes or plugins.
I think it will be useful for any site.
Hi Mikko, Divi seems to be adding some things to the URL of the search results page which makes nothing show up. I just want attachments to show.
This URL does not work: http://www.igeg.org/?s=economy&et_pb_searchform_submit=et_search_proccess&et_pb_include_posts=yes&et_pb_include_pages=yes
Whereas manually deleting everything after the search term itself does work, eg: http://www.igeg.org/?s=economy
Any idea how to safely fix this? I didn’t enable this by directly editing the code so I’d like to know how to fix it without editing the code, if possible
Richard, it’s those
parameters, which make the search only target posts and pages, which excludes your attachments. The solution is somewhat counterintuitive, but you need to edit the Search module settings and under “Exceptions” enable both “Exclude posts” and “Exclude pages”. Despite the names, this does not exclude anything, but instead makes the search include any post types Relevanssi is set to index.However, it seems you also need to remove the
parameter. I’m not sure why, on my Divi test site that parameter has zero effect on the search. I don’t think it’s possible to remove that parameter from the search without adding code to your theme functions.php or a code snippet, but I suppose you can ask the Divi support about it – if it’s possible, they can tell you how. There may be some post type restriction somewhere, since forcing the post type toattachment
makes the search work: http://www.igeg.org/?s=economy&et_pb_searchform_submit=et_search_proasdasda&post_types=attachmentHey there, I’m running Divi and trying to use the Theme Builder to create a custom search results template to adjust how Relevanssi results show up. Is that possible? Whenever I use the Blog module on that template to “Show posts for current page”, nothing happens it just say’s “no results found.” Is it possible to adjust how the search results page looks?
Nolan, that’s how it should work. I know very little about Divi, so I can’t help you with Divi details; all I know is that the Blog module in Divi is compatible with Relevanssi.
There can be many reasons why it’s not working. First thing is to rule out Relevanssi problems: does the Relevanssi admin search (Dashboard > Admin search) work correctly? If it does, then I would recommend asking about this on Divi support forums – that’d probably be the best way to find people who use Relevanssi with Divi and could help you more here.
To anyone having the Divi search module adding unwanted parameters issue…
I found myself asking the same thing today..
I got some help from Divi supprt.. here’s what worked for me… ymmv
Go to your WordPress Dashboard > Divi > Theme Options > Integration > Add code to the of your blog and add the following:
(function($) { $(document).ready(function() { $(‘.et_pb_module.et_pb_search input[name=”et_pb_searchform_submit”]’).remove(); }); })(jQuery);
good luck!
Hi !
I’m using divi theme and my first question concerne the index. I would like to do a search on the projects too (page / post And project). I checked this option in parameters but no projects on the result. Is there a tip ?
Vionnet, is there a post type restriction in the search results? Divi may be restricting the search to just posts and pages. See the Divi settings if there’s a restriction on the post types.
Search is only done on articles. I don’t see any restriction settings. I don’t even know where it would be set.
Try this in a code snippet:
add_filter( 'relevanssi_modify_wp_query', function( $query ) {
$query->set( 'post_types', 'any' );
return $query;
} );
Does this help?
This is close to what I need… I have a Divi page that I want to have show up in search results, but there are sections on that page that have a condition on them to make sure they are only visible if the user is logged in. However, Relevanssi still sees it and can show parts of that hidden info in search results. Is there a way to add a CSS class to a section to hide it from Relevanssi indexing? Or a way to automatically not index content that has conditions like this?
Gordon, you can use the
class to the sections you don’t want indexed. You can also use therelevanssi_post_content
hook (see documentation) to remove the elements you don’t want Relevanssi to index.I added the class but those sections still show up in searches, even after rebuilding the index. I’m sorry, I have no idea how to use the hook or how to mark sections of a page for it.
Gordon, actually, the
class only works on Gutenberg blocks. Sorry, my mistake. You can try wrapping the unwanted elements inside[noindex]...[/noindex]
shortcodes.Fantastic, Mikko – thank you!