If you’re using custom post statuses, Relevanssi requires some tinkering. By default, Relevanssi only handles posts that are of status publish, pending, draft or private.
Relevanssi has a filter that lets you add more statuses to the list of acceptable statuses for Relevanssi. Add this to your site:
function rlv_add_status( $status_array ) { $status_array[] = 'new_status'; return $status_array; } add_filter( 'relevanssi_valid_status', 'rlv_add_status' ); add_filter( 'relevanssi_valid_admin_status', 'rlv_add_status' );
This function, added to the two filters, makes Relevanssi accept the status new_status
You also need to let search know that it’s ok to show these posts to users, using the relevanssi_post_ok
filter hook:
add_filter( 'relevanssi_post_ok', 'rlv_allow_custom_status', 11, 2 ); function rlv_allow_custom_status( $post_ok, $post_id ) { $status = relevanssi_get_post_status( $post_id ); if ( 'new_status' === $status ) { $post_ok = true; } return $post_ok; }
With these functions, Relevanssi will now work with the status new_status
How can we make Relevanssi index only posts that has status > published?
Add this to your theme functions.php:
What if the custom post status is also in a custom post type? Does an “If (” condition needed to be added for post type?
Aaron, no, this code only looks at the post status and ignores the post type.