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Indexing HTML comments

By default, Relevanssi does not index HTML comments inside your posts. Relevanssi removes all HTML tags before indexing, and HTML comments (<!– like this –>) are counted as HTML tags.

If you have content inside comments that you want to be indexed, you need to modify the punctuation control – which is responsible for removing the comments – so that the comments are not removed.

The solution is simple: add this function to your site and rebuild the index.

add_filter( 'relevanssi_remove_punctuation', 'rlv_keep_comments', 9 );
function rlv_keep_comments( $string ) {
	$string = str_replace( '<!', '', $string );
	return $string;

This function attaches itself to the punctuation removal filter hook relevanssi_remove_punctuation and since it has priority 9, it runs before the default punctuation removal which runs on priority 10. This function then simply removes the HTML comment start <!, which causes Relevanssi to not remove the comments.

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