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Premium 1.15.0

Version 1.15.0 includes several improvements to multisite searching: pinning works now in multisite searches, the API key is changed to a network option and it’s now possible to copy Relevanssi settings from one blog to all the other blogs (there’s no way to copy the settings to just one blog; that’s coming in the next version).

Taxonomy term indexing is now improved, as is synonym indexing. If you use one of these features, upgrading is a good idea, and you need to rebuild the index after the upgrade.

  • Improved ACF compatibility.
  • Relevanssi was a bit too eager to index taxonomy terms it shouldn’t. That is now fixed. I suggest you rebuild the index, if you haven’t done that recently.
  • Synonym indexing was searching and replacing too much. If you’re using synonym indexing, please rebuild the index.
  • It is now possible to copy Relevanssi settings from one blog in the multisite network to all other blogs.
  • On multisite installations, the API key is now a network option. The network admin needs to set the value from the network admin dashboard.
  • Relevanssi post controls didn’t work on attachments: you couldn’t save the values. That is now possible.
  • Pinning didn’t work on multisite searches. It does now.
  • Relevanssi now stores the operator used in $wp_query->query_vars[‘operator’] so that it can be accessed outside Relevanssi.

You should be able to get the new version as WordPress plugin update, but you can also download it from the downloads page.


The new network admin menu was missing from the version 1.15.0. Version adds it.

5 comments Premium 1.15.0

  1. Have updated to 1.15.0 and network activated on multisite, but no options showing up in the network admin dashboard for either API or to copy settings across sites. No Relevanssi options showing up at all–only under individual sites. On WP 4.7.3.

      1. Yes. It’s working well on a per-site basis, but just not getting the new multisite options. I had it activated on a per-site basis, but I deactivated each of those individually and then network activated. (I didn’t remove the API from each specific site before deactivating–not sure if that might be related.) I’m not running any special admin dashboard plugins that might limit what options are visible.

        1. Hmm, I now updated the plugin and network activated it on my test blog, and the settings menu disappeared. That’s strange – the code should be the same. But looks like it’s not working, the triggering action is missing. Looks like is due tomorrow…

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