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Premium 1.15.2

Relevanssi Premium 1.15.2 is a bug fix release, which improves many areas in Relevanssi. It is a recommended upgrade. After you upgrade, I suggest rebuilding the index, especially if you are indexing taxonomy terms.

  • When a taxonomy term was saved, Relevanssi didn’t record the changes correctly.
  • New WP CLI commands to index only users or taxonomies.
  • Improved the way highlighting handles HTML tags, especially when highlighting on post pages.
  • Relevanssi didn’t remove taxonomy term data from the index properly. I recommend rebuilding the taxonomy terms (which you can do easily with the new WP CLI command wp relevanssi index --target=taxonomies).
  • The throttle limit setting was removed from the settings page for causing trouble. If you need to change it, update relevanssi_throttle_limit option directly.
  • The “Did you mean” function should return slightly more relevant results.
  • The relevanssi_get_words_query filter hook has been retired and replaced with new relevanssi_get_words_having hook, used to adjust the value. The default value is 1, and there’s usually no reason to adjust that.
  • FacetWP users ran into trouble, as relevanssi_do_query() started to explicitly expect a WP_Query object in version 1.15.0. That expectation is removed; it’s still highly recommended for future compatibility that you use WP_Query objects.
  • Small bug fix: get_current_screen() is now only used when it’s available to avoid occasional fatal errors.
  • Error messages from DOING_AJAX being undefined should be removed.

Version 1.15.2 had an extra parentheses, which made the WP CLI indexing break. Version fixes that.

You can get the new version through automatic update system, if you have a valid API key in place, or you can download it from the download page.

4 comments Premium 1.15.2

  1. Does the log only track user search queries? Is there a way to track all search queries to see what types of products people are looking for on your site?

    1. Yes, the log collects all search queries made by users. I’m not sure what you mean with “user search queries” that wouldn’t include product searches.

      1. As in “WordPress Users”? They have to have a user account setup in wordpress for their searches on the site to be tracked. We currently use the search bar on the website to search products. The only searches that are getting logged are from people that are setup as a user in wordpress, not just the website visitors.

        1. Relevanssi logs all search queries, no matter if the user is logged in or not. If you’re only seeing searches from logged-in users in the logs, then I’d check to see if your site is somehow offering Relevanssi search only to the logged-in users.

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