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How to block searches without a search term

By default, Relevanssi returns all posts when searching without a search term. That’s the default WordPress behaviour. Sometimes it may not be the wanted behaviour. One reason is performance: returning all results can be very slow. To stop Relevanssi from running when there’s no search term, add this to your site: This little function will…

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Continue reading Gutenberg Full Site Editing

Gutenberg Full Site Editing

There’s a compatibility issue between Relevanssi and Gutenberg Full Site Editing. No results are found when you create a Query Loop to display the search results with Relevanssi enabled. The blank results happen because the post template block doesn’t use the Relevanssi results but instead uses a new WP_Query. Since Relevanssi still blocks the default…

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Continue reading Elementor


Elementor is a popular page builder. It works rather well with Relevanssi. Highlight in documents breaks entrance animations In some cases enabling Relevanssi in-document highlighting breaks pictures with entrance animations. You can add this function to your site to fix the problem. Conditional and Inline CSS Load Experiment Elementor has this new experimental feature. For…

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Continue reading Premium 2.1.1 / Free 4.0.5

Premium 2.1.1 / Free 4.0.5

Thanks to a very eye-opening talk in WordCamp Jyväskylä earlier this year by Otto Kekäläinen from Seravo, Relevanssi code has been reviewed and modified to follow WordPress coding standards. As a result, there have been minor improvements all around the code to make things more robust and secure. Every new Relevanssi Premium release is now…

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Continue reading Using Relevanssi without a search term

Using Relevanssi without a search term

Deprecated: Relevanssi has long supported searching without a search term. These instructions are not necessary. Version 1.7.3 introduces the possibility to use Relevanssi without a search term. This is useful when you have extra query arguments that can be used to narrow the search, but which would be useful without a search term present. This…

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